Wireless Communication  +  Wireless Sensing  +  Signal Processing  Machine Learning

Areas of Research: 


Projects on
Wireless Communication

6G and Beyond Communication

Design CommAwareNet: Towards Communication-Aware Smart Facilities: Designing an Energy-efficient High-data-rate and Reliable Hybrid THz/VLC Communication Architecture Reinforced with Intelligent Surfaces for Future Networks

Sponsor: 2022 DOE Early Career Award 

U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science

5G and Beyond Networking

Design SpiderNET: Spectrally Efficient and Energy Efficient Data Aided Demand Driven Elastic Architecture for Future Networks

Hybrid Lunar Communication Architecture (LunarCom)

A new LunarCom Architecture for NASA’s lunar missions will combine the reliability of RF links with the high capacity and low cost of optical links for communication between Earth stations and Moon explorers. 

Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Collaborators: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, University of Oklahoma, and University of Tulsa

Oklahoma CubeSat Initiative  (OKSat)

The Oklahoma CubeSat Initiative (OKSat), located in Oklahoma State University, is working towards developing and implementing Oklahoma's first CubeSat program.

For more information, visit: www.oksat.space 

Mr. Jack H. Graham, OSU-ECE Alumni, OSU School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and OSU College of Engineering, Archtitecutre and Technology. 

Collaborators: Unmanned Systems Research Institute, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, University of Oklahoma, and University of Tulsa

mmWave Communication for 5G and Beyond

Channel Modeling Emulator for UAV-assisted Wireless Communication: Use a robotic arm to mimic the motion of UAV in various weather conditions and characterize the impact of motion in the mmWave and THz channels. 

Terahertz Communication for 6G

Research on THz communication systems, particularly on channel characterization and dispersion analysis and compensation. 

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)

Reflective Surfaces in Terahertz Communication

Investigates the temporal dispersion of a wireless terahertz communication signal caused by reflection from a rough (diffuse) surface, and its subsequent impact on symbol error rate versus data rate.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)

Cognitive Radio Systems for Small Satellites (CubeSats) Communication Networks

Develop spectral- and power-efficient cognitive radio based communication algorithms to secure efficient and reliable space-based CubeSat communication links.

Ultra Lightweight NAVAID Inspection Receiver Design

Develop an ultra-lightweight software defined radio (SDR) for collection of NAVAID data. 

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)-assisted Communication

Propagation channel measurements and characterization for ultrawideband communication channel between UAV and wearable (UAVW) devices.  

Sponsor: OSU Research

A Hybrid Visible-Light/RF Technology for Reliable Data Links in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication Systems

Design (prototype) VLC technology for V2X communication and deploy it with RF-based communication (e.g., DSRC) technology to have a hybrid communication system to improve the reliability of V2X data transmission. 

Sponsor: OSU Research

Projects on
Internet of Things (IoT) Applications

TV White Space and IoT Connectivity for Rural Broadband

Explore the challenges and opportunities related to bringing broadband and IoT connectivity to farmers and ranchers by using TVWS and LoRaWAN technologies. 

Soil Monitoring through UAV-assisted Internet of Things Wireless Underground Sensors

Develop a proof-of-concept soil monitoring system with wireless underground IoT sensors and UAVs.

Low-Power-Wide-Range Internet of Things (LPWR IoT) Based Livestock Monitoring

RSSI-Based Localization using IoT LoRaWAN

RSSI-based localization using low-cost, energy-efficient IoT LoRaWAN technology.

Sponsor: OSU Research

Projects on
Wireless Light Wave Sensing

Non-contact Vital Signs Monitoring through Light Wave Sensing (LWS)

Develop an accurate, safe, reliable, secure, and private non-contact sensing method for vitals (heart rate and respiration) monitoring using only reflected incoherent visible light (or near-infrared) signals. 

Non-contact Gesture Recognition using Light Wave Sensing (LWS)

Create a wireless sensing modality for gesture recognition using only reflected incoherent visible light (or near-infrared) signals from a human subject’s hand.

Non-contact Glucose Sensing using Light Wave Sensing (LWS)

Create a wireless sensing modality for glucose sensing using only reflected incoherent visible light (or near-infrared) signals from a human subject’s forehead.

A Low-cost and Non-contact Respiration Monitoring Method for COVID-19 Screening and Prognosis

Develop a low-cost and non-contact sensing method for diagnosis and screening of COVID-19.

ViLDAR: Visible Light Detection and Ranging

Design a new vehicle speed estimation using vehicle headlamps (e.g., daytime running lights.)