Teaching & Service
TAMU: ESET 455: Wireless Transmission Systems: Spring 2023, Fall, 2023
OSU: ECEN 4523: Communication Theory: Spring 2020
OSU: ECEN 4533: Data Communications: Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
OSU: ECEN 5573: Wireless Communication: Spring 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022
OSU: ECEN/MAE 5513: Stochastic Systems: Fall 2018, 2019
OSU: ECEN3513 Signals Analysis: Fall 2020, 2021, 2022
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): member since 2003. Senior Member:Â 2021.
IEEE Communications Society
Serving for IEEE and international journals and conferences such as: IEEE Trans. on Commun., IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., IEEE Commun. Letters, IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters, Springer Wireless Personal Communications, Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing , IEEE ICC, VTC, ICT, IWCMC, GLOBECOM, PIMRC.